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Jessica Drew
Jessica Drew
7:00pm - Midnight

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Schools, Child Care Providers, Churches, and other organizations interested in registering for the Launch FM Closings system should fill out the form below. (Please note: this is for organizations wanting to notify of a closing, NOT FOR INDIVIDUALS wishing to be PERSONALLY notified of a particular closing.)

The Launch FM closing administrator will review and approve each submission as soon as we can.

***Due to a large number of submissions, it is highly unlikely you will be approved the same day you sign up.***

If you have already registered, please do NOT fill out this form again as it will only slow the processing down.

We also caution that filling out this form is NOT to inform us of closure, only to register for the system.

Please complete the form below and hit “Submit” at the bottom to REGISTER as a school, child care, church, or business for our closing list. Once we receive your information, you will be provided further details. All fields are required.

** I submit that this is a new location entry and I have not registered before. I am aware that duplicates are not allowed and will be deleted.